Martin Lee

Founder and Former President

Year: 2023

Major: Linguistics

Hometown: Melbourne, Australia

Music Recommendation: MNEK, Benjamin Ingrosso, Zara Larsson

Martin is a senior from Melbourne, Australia majoring in Linguistics! He had no dance experience before Princeton but after seeing an embarrassing lack of K-Pop at TigerNight his freshman year, he knew something had to be done. Since then he has learned and grown so much with his KoKo Fam and seeing how KoKo Pops has become one of the biggest and most respected dance companies at Princeton today and how much everyone enjoys being part of it makes him unbelievably happy and thankful :') When he is not obsessing over K-Pop he is obsessing over the Eurovision Song Contest and the Swedish music industry. His other hobbies include baking, photography and searching for even somewhat edible food in the godforsaken town that is Princeton, NJ. He is excited to dance, spend time and make the most of his last year with his favorite people in the world 💚 Stan Dreamcatcher and NCT!


Magan Ha


Megan Tang